Talkin Faith with Catholic Sis Episode 14: Sacred Heart

Fiat Ministry Network

June 30, 2015

First Segment: The Promises of the Sacred Heart:

Romantic Catholic:
June is the Month of the Sacred Heart.
What is the Sacred Heart/Devotion to the Sacred Heart? Kent, any ideas?
Jesus offers a total of fourteen different promises to those who pray this devotion. Tonight I thought we’d talk about the five that are my most favorite.
#1 – “I will give to my faithful all the graces necessary in their state of life.”
Jesus promises to give us all the graces that we need for what we are currently going through or experiencing. He provides us with all that we need to do His will for us at this time. Kent, what do you think an example of these types of graces might be?
#2 – “I will bring peace to their homes.” Jesus promises to give us and our families peace and comfort in Him. Kent, in our modern world there is a lot of stress, especially in families sometimes. I think that we need the gift of peace often, what do you think?
#3 – “I will comfort them in all their sufferings.” This is one of my favourite promises because it means that Jesus will walk side by side with us and help us through the tough times. Kent, has there ever been a time where you really felt Christ’s comforting presence in your life?
#4 – “I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.” This means that Jesus will bless everything that we attempt for Him and His glory. He is our protector and protects us, and what we are doing. Are there specific times you can think of that we might need protection?
#5 – “Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy.” Jesus wants us to know that He will always forgive us, no matter what. It can be tempting to think that God only forgives certain people or certain people, but that’s not true is it Kent?
Check out soon for the post with the rest of the promises of the Sacred Heart. Commercial Break:

Second Segment: Sin Free Summer Activities:

We’ve now pretty much entered into the summer season, but it can sometimes get a little boring. When we’re bored, we are in the occasion of sin because as Proverbs 16:27 tells us, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” Tonight I thought we’d share with you a few things that you can do this summer that are sin free and a lot of fun to boot. As a bit of news in the Catholic Sis world, for the next few weeks I’ll be giving you a segment with a new activity to during the summer.
Do some volunteer work and help others. Kent, have you ever done some volunteering as a young adult? What are some different places that you cold volunteer as a youth?
Attend a retreat. I know we’ve talked about this before, but going a retreat is an awesome way to draw closer to God with no distractions and spend time with people of a like mind.
Go on a camping trip. Kent, have you ever gone camping? Did you enjoy it? I think camping is great way to experience nature, and draw closer to God the Creator through His beautiful creations.
Spend some time with God first. On twitter this week the hash tag #ExplainParadiseIn4Words was trending, and so I tweeted “Eucharistic Adoration date night.” If you want to go out and have fun on a Friday night, that’s great – just so long as you aren’t sinning or breaking any laws. But here’s a thought, why not start it off with Mass or a bit of time in Eucharistic Adoration? Kent, what are some great things about Adoration? (Silence, clarity, etc.)
Have a dance party! The Psalms tell us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, so gather some friends and turn the music. BTW, I’m just saying that it is totally possible to have a Christian music dance party, I know because I’ve done it. Kent, what are some of your favorite songs at the moment?
Have a movie night in! In my town the classic version of the King and I is playing, so why not watch other classic movies? Gather some friends, popcorn, and a good movie? Kent, what are some good movies for us to watch?
Kent, what are some other sinless summer activities that I might have missed for this week?
Make sure you join in the show for the next few weeks as we talk about more fun things to do during the summer, and subscribe to my posts on for post versions and updates.

Third Segment: 3 Questions You Might Get Asked This Summer:

So this summer as you’re doing all these fantastic activities, you might make some new friends. These friends might not be Catholic, so you might get some questions about what you do as a Catholic young person. Tonight Kent and I are going to tell you three questions you might get asked, as well as the answers to them.
What’s Mass? (It can come up in conversation, “Sorry, I have to meet you at the beach later I have to go to Mass first.”) – Mass is when we celebrate Jesus dying and giving His Body and Blood for us so that we could be in Heaven with Him. Is that an accurate description?
Why do wear that medal around your neck? It helps to remind us to imitate the saints and ask for their intercession in our daily lives. Kent, who are some of your favorite saints?
Why do you make that sign before you pray? It reminds us of the three Divine Persons of the Trinity, and is a public expression of our belief. It also is our way of starting prayer and asking God to come. One of the coolest things in the world, or at least to me, is to look around and see someone else doing the Sign on the Cross too, because it shows that you aren’t the only Catholic in the room – only a Catholic makes that sign.

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